Thoughtful in The Dark

May 01 2024
Thoughtful in The Dark Podcast artwork

Thoughtful in The Dark began as a blog composed of material I wrote during my junior high school years. The material I discuss consists of stories, points of view, anecdotes, and personal experiences that have - and continue to - shape my life. Having gathered a substantial following, and as the result of many positive reviews and petitions, I ventured into the Podcasting World, transforming my written material into individual audio experiences. It is here that you have now found me, and I will remain there as long as you find what I do to be of interest to you. Please accept my warmest welcome to my creative realm and to the depths of my unpredictable thoughts.  Enjoy! — Ralph

Thoughtful in The Dark es un proyecto que comenzó con material que redacte desde mis años en escuela secundaria. Son un compendio de historias, puntos de vista, anécdotas, y experiencias personales que han transformando y continúan trasformando mi vida. A raíz del éxito y gran numero de seguidores, acepte el reto de convertir estas escrituras en experiencias de audio con este podcast.  Es aquí donde me has encontrado y donde estaré mientras lo que comparto siga siendo de tu agrado. Acepta de esta manera, mi bienvenida al hemisferio de mi creatividad, y pensamientos impredecibles. ¡Que lo disfrutes! — Ralph