Hill City Podcast

May 15 2024 145
Hill City Podcast artwork

Same Church, new name! To say Hill City is focused on small groups and equipping individuals in their pursuit of Christ is very true. That's the essence of what we do, but it hardly tells the whole story. For us it's all about connection. Connection to God. Connection to each other. And connection to purpose. From our beginning as a single small group meeting in Adam and Jami McCain's living room in 2005, we've honored the importance of doing life together and authentically knowing Christ more and more. We were a small, eclectic and sometimes unusual bunch; but we determined to be the Church and not go to church. It has been an amazing ride. We make sure everything we do honors those connections – from our commitment to small groups, to the way we cultivate realness in Celebration services. In our early years, Hill City gathered all of its members together once a month for an organized church service to minister to its members and their friends while meeting weekly in small groups throughout the Metroplex. Our first location was a funeral home in Cedar Hill. In 2007, we transitioned to the Cedar Hill Recreation Center. We continued to meet together monthly while developing our passions in missions, prayer, and community involvement. Love God, love life, and love people." It is our guiding principle. In January 2011, we made a courageous decision to open weekly services on Sunday evenings. We wanted to offer a venue to make a greater connection with our community as a whole while still experiencing family as a small group. So, this is not the typical church thing. We're a community, a family who is in passionate pursuit of Christ and his purposes – and we couldn't be happier about it. Get to know us and you'll see: we are so much more. It's a wild ride, but we are thrilled you are jumping in. Welcome